Saturday, June 2, 2012

Omg I did a thing and stuff moved on it

Ohmygod blog, I have got to stay on you.

For the past 3 months, I've been working on a comic project with some fine peeps that we're pitching soon, so there will be sneakpeaks of THAT. It has cats, internet. ..Kind of your wheelhouse.

I was also helping out with layout biz for a senior animated film, which premiered at the SCAD Senior Showcase this past Thursday night. The film turned out glorious and I will divulge specific info about it! ..Once I am positive that that's even okay. Yes.

Most of the layouts traded artists before completion to ensure everything was congruous together, so this guy was handed off and cleaned up before it appeared in the film.

And the moral of this story is-
I learned that digital layout painting is.. not.. my destiny. But I DID IT DAMN YOU
Those trees and rocks on the right are.. slop. But it is my slop.

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